Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, introduced the concept of archetypes, which are universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious. Here are the 12 Jungian archetypes:


  1. The Innocent

    • Motto: Free to be you and me
    • Core desire: To get to paradise
    • Goal: To be happy
    • Greatest fear: Being punished for doing something bad or wrong
    • Strategy: To do things right
    • Weakness: Boring for all their naive innocence
    • Talent: Faith and optimism
  2. The Orphan/Regular Guy or Gal

    • Motto: All men and women are created equal
    • Core desire: Connecting with others
    • Goal: To belong
    • Greatest fear: To be left out or to stand out from the crowd
    • Strategy: Develop ordinary solid virtues, be down to earth, the common touch
    • Weakness: Losing one’s own self in an effort to blend in or for the sake of superficial relationships
    • Talent: Realism, empathy, lack of pretense
  3. The Hero

    • Motto: Where there’s a will, there’s a way
    • Core desire: To prove one’s worth through courageous acts
    • Goal: Expert mastery in a way that improves the world
    • Greatest fear: Weakness, vulnerability, being a “chicken”
    • Strategy: To be as strong and competent as possible
    • Weakness: Arrogance, always needing another battle to fight
    • Talent: Competence and courage
  4. The Caregiver

    • Motto: Love your neighbor as yourself
    • Core desire: To protect and care for others
    • Goal: To help others
    • Greatest fear: Selfishness and ingratitude
    • Strategy: Doing things for others
    • Weakness: Martyrdom and being exploited
    • Talent: Compassion and generosity
  5. The Explorer

    • Motto: Don’t fence me in
    • Core desire: The freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world
    • Goal: To experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life
    • Greatest fear: Getting trapped, conformity, and inner emptiness
    • Strategy: Journey, seeking out and experiencing new things, escape from boredom
    • Weakness: Aimless wandering, becoming a misfit
    • Talent: Autonomy, ambition, being true to one’s soul
  6. The Rebel

    • Motto: Rules are made to be broken
    • Core desire: Revenge or revolution
    • Goal: To overturn what isn’t working
    • Greatest fear: To be powerless or ineffectual
    • Strategy: Disrupt, destroy, or shock
    • Weakness: Crossing over to the dark side, crime
    • Talent: Radical freedom, outrageousness
  7. The Lover

    • Motto: You’re the only one
    • Core desire: Intimacy and experience
    • Goal: Being in a relationship with the people, work, and surroundings they love
    • Greatest fear: Being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved
    • Strategy: To become more and more physically and emotionally attractive
    • Weakness: Outward-directed desire to please others at risk of losing own identity
    • Talent: Passion, gratitude, appreciation, and commitment
  8. The Creator

    • Motto: If you can imagine it, it can be done
    • Core desire: To create things of enduring value
    • Goal: To realize a vision
    • Greatest fear: Mediocre vision or execution
    • Strategy: Develop artistic control and skill
    • Weakness: Perfectionism, bad solutions
    • Talent: Creativity and imagination
  9. The Jester

    • Motto: You only live once
    • Core desire: To live in the moment with full enjoyment
    • Goal: To have a great time and lighten up the world
    • Greatest fear: Being bored or boring others
    • Strategy: Play, make jokes, be funny
    • Weakness: Frivolity, wasting time
    • Talent: Joy
  10. The Sage

  • Motto: The truth will set you free
  • Core desire: To find the truth
  • Goal: To use intelligence and analysis to understand the world
  • Greatest fear: Being duped, misled—or ignorance
  • Strategy: Seeking out information and knowledge; self-reflection and understanding thought processes
  • Weakness: Can study details forever and never act
  • Talent: Wisdom, intelligence
  1. The Magician
  • Motto: I make things happen
  • Core desire: Understanding the fundamental laws of the universe
  • Goal: To make dreams come true
  • Greatest fear: Unintended negative consequences
  • Strategy: Develop a vision and live by it
  • Weakness: Becoming manipulative
  • Talent: Finding win-win solutions, making visions reality
  1. The Ruler
  • Motto: Power isn’t everything, it’s the only thing
  • Core desire: Control
  • Goal: Create a prosperous, successful family or community
  • Greatest fear: Chaos, being overthrown
  • Strategy: Exercise power
  • Weakness: Being authoritarian, unable to delegate
  • Talent: Responsibility, leadership

These archetypes are used to analyze and understand human behavior, motivations, and personality traits.
