I’m used to read but very slowly because of how I process the info. My reasoning is too lateral sometimes, but that is how I can better use my brain.

When I read, firstly my interpretation is rather imagetic, which is great for fiction - I take a fair amount of time to imagine the world and action. The other problem is I digress often to other references, more so I can practice lateral thinking and absorption of the content.

But the best way when I’m looking forward to just getting the idea is rather read the words and not imagine the scenario, just be more of a pragmatic approach. That works well for articles and news. I think a person who did that very well was redacted, I remember her reading speed was insane, I don’t know if it correlated with content absorption, but it was impressive. I can’t help to feel a bit rushed, almost anxious-like when doing this. I wonder if that is how she got to that point.

The last option when I’m really pressed for time is speed reading, but that requires some practice yet, I’m terrible at it. I don’t see why I would practice this to be honest, maybe for exams that have a crazy time limit. The prior on is better. redacted was also pretty good at this, not naturally, she must have practiced for a while.


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